I know! It's been a while! But its funny that I'm not the only one who keeps saying that about updating my blog.... What's worse? I have a website that hasn't been touched since the first few days I got it. Its got some pictures on it... and is still under construction. I just can't seem to make up my mind, whether I like it there or not. One huge plus is that its got its own tab for everything - a portfolio space, a blog space, and some other random space tabs... all on one website. *sigh* such is life with decisions... ahh well.. (btw, if you're curious, its tothemoonandbackphoto.webs.com)
I've been shooting tons of pics, but just haven't gotten around to much of a lot of them. But I am attempting, TONIGHT, to get some posts up from recent happenings and shoots before I have to pack my bags and leave for the holiday weekend to Michigan! Woot! I am especially excited because, well... let me list theeee waysssss (in no particular order, whatsoever):
1. Its a family reunion and I'm excited to see my mom's side of the family
2. Its a road trip!! I love road trips! 13 hour ride tomorrow, hopefully my love for these trips doesn't get altered on this one
3. I am getting out of Minnesota once again (I enjoy a change of environment and scenery every now and then)
4. I get to do a photoshoot of my brother and his fiancee... at the place he proposed to her. I'm told it's by a lake... I'm STOKED! :D
Anyhow, these are a few older ones I've done that I've been playing around with to get into the hang of things. Check it!