I've been shooting tons of pics, but just haven't gotten around to much of a lot of them. But I am attempting, TONIGHT, to get some posts up from recent happenings and shoots before I have to pack my bags and leave for the holiday weekend to Michigan! Woot! I am especially excited because, well... let me list theeee waysssss (in no particular order, whatsoever):
1. Its a family reunion and I'm excited to see my mom's side of the family
2. Its a road trip!! I love road trips! 13 hour ride tomorrow, hopefully my love for these trips doesn't get altered on this one
3. I am getting out of Minnesota once again (I enjoy a change of environment and scenery every now and then)
4. I get to do a photoshoot of my brother and his fiancee... at the place he proposed to her. I'm told it's by a lake... I'm STOKED! :D
Anyhow, these are a few older ones I've done that I've been playing around with to get into the hang of things. Check it!

Beautiful photography, as always. That's so sweet that you get to do your brother's.